Boot Easy2Boot and try the different fonts. Test 16-high fonts - copy the $FontTest.mnu file to the \_ISO\MAINMENU folder. OR copy "\_ISO\docs\Sample mnu files\E2B Menus\Change_Font.mnu" to \_ISO\MAINMENU Test 24-high Large fonts - copy "\_ISO\docs\Sample mnu files\E2B Menus\Change_Font24.mnu" to \_ISO\MAINMENU When you find the one that you want make a \_ISO\MyE2B.cfg file (See the Sample_MyE2B.cfg file) and add a FONT parameter, for example: MyE2B.cfg ========= !BAT # MyE2B.cfg must always start with !BAT # set font to ROMAN set FONT=()/_ISO/docs/Fonts/ROMAN.uni.gz If you prefer the BIOS font use set BIOSFONT=1 24-pixel high fonts end in .f24. sft.f24 and yxt.f24 have English_Chinese (simplified or Traditional), terminal and developer fonts have European glyphs, X11.f24 and lt*.f24 only support English + some European. If no font is specified, defaul is 16-pixel high unifont If set FONTH=24, then default 24-pixel high large fonts loaded are stf.f24 + developerbold.f24. grub4dos 0.4.5c does not support large fonts. If you don't need the non-ASCII characters, use set NOUNIFONT=1 The fonts in _ISO\docs\Fonts are just characters 0x20-0x7e so English only. Character codes 0-17 will always be taken from the font file unless BIOSFONT=1 is used. To view all the 16-high fonts run \_ISO\docs\Fonts\showfonts.g4b from the grub4dos command line. You can make 24-pixel high fonts by converting .bdf files to hex files using the MAKE_FONT24.ZIP download (Alternate Downloads - Other Files). Refer to MakeShowFonts.cmd - Windows batch file which generates a demo ShowFonts.g4b grub4dos batch file from all .gz files in the folder