GetWaikTools is an App to fast download the often needed deployment tools. Included are the Wim driver to mount Wim files, imagex, wimgapi, the BCD store tools, OSCDIMG to create ISO files and the DISM utility. Commandline support: -vista windows Vista WAIK Tools -win7 windows 7 WAIK Tools -win8 windows 8 ADK Tools -win8.1 windows 8.1 ADK Tools -win10 windows 10 ADK Tools -win7dism windows 7 WAIK Dism Tools -win8dism windows 8 ADK Dism Tools -win8.1dism windows 8.1 ADK Dism Tools -win10dism windows 10 ADK Dism Tools -all all the above WAIK / ADK tools -allextras all the below other tools -devcon windows 8.1 devcon Tools -windiff WinDiff tool from Win7 SDK -xpramboot files required to boot PE1.x into RAM -xpwimboot files required for PE1.x WimBoot -xpwinload Vista RTM winload.exe, able to boot WinXP -w2k3disk Windows 2003 SP2 disk.sys -xpcards Windows 2003 SP2 cards.dll -xpdiskcopy Windows 2003 SP2 diskcopy.dll -xppowercalc PowerCalculator from XP Power Tools -silent suppress success or error messages -folder:{dir} location to download to -ontop set the ontop flag for the window