Make_Ext.exe ============ Make_Ext.exe is a 32-bit Windows executable. If running Windows 7, you may need to use right-click 'Run as Administrator' It will create a file which is internally formatted with a linux ext filesystem. The ext file can be used by linux for persistent storage. The volume name for most Ubuntu-based linux distributions is casper-rw (but not always). Look for a .mnu file in \_ISO\docs\Sample Mnu Files\Linux for a menu that includes persistence. The File Name can be anything you like (avoid spaces in the name). The Volume Name must be casper-rw for most Ubuntu ISOs. I suggest using ext3 or ext4 because ext2 persistence files can get easily corruputed! Always shut down linux 'nicely' to avoid file corruption - do not just switch off the system or pull out the USB drive. .isopersist file extension ========================== If your ISO is Ubuntu-based, you do not need a .mnu file, just use the file extension of .isopersist instead of .iso. e.g. \_ISO\LINUX\Ubuntu64.isopersist \_ISO\LINUX\Ubuntu64-rw OR \_ISO\LINUX\Ubuntu64.isopersist \Ubuntu64-rw The filename must be the same as the ISO file but with -rw on the end (e.g. fred.isopersist and fred-rw).