Access a Windows system without needing a password Works for Offline or Online accounts. As you may know, as long as you have not encrypted your Windows OS with BitLocker, it is quite easy to get into your OS by using the trick of replacing UtilMan.exe, Magnify.exe and SetHC.exe with Cmd.exe. Once you have done this, you can hit WINKEY+U (may need to click on Magnifier) or press the SHIFT key five times to bring up a Windows cmd shell box with full admin rights. To semi-automate this process and save some typing, E2B now contains a new \_ISO\docs\utilman folder which contains four .cmd script files: UtilMan1PE_Patch.cmd - replaces UtilMan.exe and Sethc.exe with Cmd.exe UtilMan2Win_MakeAdmin.cmd (2.cmd) - creates a new 'ADMIN9' user account (password 'admin') UtilMan3Win_DelAdmin.cmd (3.cmd) - deletes the ADMIN9 user account UtilMan4PE_Restore.cmd - restores UtilMan.exe and Sethc.exe See for more details. Here is how to use them: Requirements ============ 1. Copy a Windows 10 Home or Professional Install ISO to the \_ISO\WINDOWS\WIN10 folder (not always necessary - see website for alternatives). 2. Unencrypted Windows system. Method ====== First boot to Windows and hold down the SHIFT key and click Restart Choose Troubleshoot - Advanced - Startup - Restart. 1. Use the E2B Windows 10 install menu to select the Win10 ISO file. Choose the 'Utilman - Hack Windows (UtilMan.exe).xml' file. Note that this will patch any version of Windows that it finds on any valid partition (as long as Windows uses the \Windows folder). It also copies and renames the Windows scripts to C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\2.cmd and 3.cmd for later use. 2. Reboot to Windows and at the login screen... Press WIN+U quickly or the SHIFT key five times - you should see a windows command prompt open up. Now type 2 quickly and press [ENTER] to add a new ADMIN9 account (UtilMan2Win_MakeAdmin.cmd). You have approx. 30 seconds to type WIN+U and 2 [ENTER] before the hotkey will be disabled by Windows Defender! At this point, you may need to reboot to Windows again in order to be able to log in as ADMIN9 password admin. A quicker alternative is to choose the power option 'Sleep' if available and then press the power button or a key to wake up the computer to see the ADMIN user choice. Now log in as ADMIN9 (password=admin) and do whatever you want to do! 3. Log out of Windows and press WIN+U - Magnifier (or press SHIFT 5 times) at the Login screen. Now type 3 and press [ENTER] to run 3.cmd (UtilMan3Win_DelAdmin.cmd) to delete the ADMIN9 account that was created previously. Depending on your version of Windows, it may also restore the original Utilman.exe and SetHC.exe files using SFC. 4. To 'Unhack' the files Boot to E2B and Use the E2B Windows 10 install menu to select the Win10 ISO file again. Choose the 'Utilman - UnHack Windows (restore UtilMan.exe).xml' file. The backup files xxxxxx.exe.bak will not be deleted. C:\Windows\System32\2.cmd and 3.cmd will not be deleted. You will need Administrator privileges for these scripts to work and suitable permissions. Note that when running the patched versions of UtilMan, Magnify or SetHC, any command shell error messages will not be able to be translated correctly because the UtilMan.exe.mui and SetHC.exe.mui files will not be correctly recognised - so you may see an error message at the top of the cmd console which can be ignored.