# ENGLISH (UK) v1.02 2014-09-23 [SSi] # 1.02 padding added to headings in case GFX=none set, extra strings at end # 1.03 order changed # # DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE!!! See 'Changing the Language' page at http://www.easy2boot.xyz/create-your-website-with-blocks/configure-e2b/language/ # # Convention: $$STRm for .mnu file strings, $$STRt for .txt files, $$STRb for .g4b batch files, $$STRh for .hdr file, $$STRl for .lst files # Note: $$STR strings are case sensitive # # Special characters you should NOT change: # \nis a carriage return (new line) # $[0401] defines a text colour and background colour # %....% are variables used by grub4dos # if '[Y]/N' then you MUST use the letter N for No - if '[N],Y' then you MUST use the letter Y for Yes # # ^ in .mnu and .txt strings are used to specify a hotkey # where there are two almost identical strings, one (STRxGxx) will be for a GFX Boot menu which does not allow hotkeys - e.g. STRhGF7 # If you are not using GFX Boot then you don't need to change\translate the GFX strings # # If using UTF-8 double-byte non-ASCII characters, keep any question strings (e.g. $$STRbxx) as short as possible or you may get an error if too long # --------- MENU HEADINGS ----- # # Headings must be between two \x20 and between 58 and 78 characters long - but not more than 78 or will get line wrapover if in 640x480 mode # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 # \x202345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890\x20 # XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX <- text must end in this area! # # Menu headings (leading spaces start from left hand edge of menu) # Headings should end here >>>> \x20 $$STRm004=قائمة Windows التمهيد \x20 $$STRm019=قائمة DOS \x20 $$STRm017=مكافحة الفيروسات القائمة \x20 $$STRm021=القائمة لينكس \x20 $$STRm023=القائمة الاحتياطية \x20 $$STRm025=المرافق القائمة \x20 $$STRm027=ينب القائمة \x20 $$STRm013=المرافق - اختبارات الذاكرة القائمة \x20 $$STRhAUT=القائمة BOOT المباشر (AUTO) \x20 $$STRlWIN=تثبيت ويندوز من ISO \x20 $$STRhVIN=تثبيت ويندوز فيستا \x20 $$STRh2K8=سيرفر 2008 R2 تثبيت \x20 $$STRhW7I=ويندوز 7 تثبيت \x20 $$STRhW8I=ويندوز 8 تثبيت \x20 $$STRhW12=الخادم 2012 تثبيت \x20 $$STRhW10=تثبيت نظام التشغيل Windows 10 \x20 $$STRhS16=الخادم 2016 تثبيت \x20 $$STRhS19=الخادم 2019 تثبيت \x20 $$STRhS22=الخادم 2022 تثبيت \x20 # --------- MENU ENTRIES (.mnu) ------------------- $$STRmAUT=^Ctrl+D [Ctrl+D] (\\_ISO\\AUTO) القائمة BOOT المباشرة مفتاح\nن التمهيد أي ملف في \\_ISO\\AUTO المجلد وأدناه. $$STRm016=^Ctrl+A [Ctrl+A] ANTIVIRUS القائمة\nالمرافق الفيروسات $$STRm022=^Ctrl+B [Ctrl+B] القائمة الاحتياطية\nBackup menu $$STRm018=^Ctrl+O [Ctrl+O] قائمة DOS\nالمرافق MS-DOS وفري $$STRm020=^Ctrl+L [Ctrl+L] LINUX القائمة\nلينكس التضامن، الخ $$STRm024=^Ctrl+U [Ctrl+U] المرافق القائمة\nMemtest، الخ $$STRm026=^Ctrl+P [Ctrl+P] ينب القائمة\nوينب للتمهيد $$STRm003=^Ctrl+W [Ctrl+W] WINDOWS القائمة BOOT\nالقائمة Windows التمهيد $$STRm0WI=^Ctrl+I [Ctrl+I] WINDOWS يركب القائمة\nتثبيت Windows إلى القرص الصلب باستخدام ملف ISO. $$STRm012=^Ctrl+M [Ctrl+M] MEMORY القائمة اختبار\nنظام المرافق اختبار الذاكرة $$STRm005=^Ctrl+U [Ctrl+U] العودة إلى المرافق القائمة\nالعودة إلى قائمة المرافق $$STRhelp=^F1 [F1] مساعدة\nمساعدة على استخدام Easy2Boot $$STRh0F7=^F7 [F7] التمهيد لأول HDD\nالتمهيد لأول قرص صلب داخلي (HDD0). $$STRh0F8=^F8 [F8] إعادة بناء القائمة الرئيسية\nتشغيل إذا تغيرت محتويات E2B.\nيعيد القائمة الرئيسية وينعش\nوFastload ذاكرة التخزين المؤقت (إذا تمكين). $$STRh1BM=^F8 [F8] العودة الى القائمة الرئيسية\nالعودة الى القائمة الرئيسية $$STRh1RB=^F9 [F9] إعادة تشغيل الكمبيوتر\nإعادة تشغيل النظام. $$STRh110=^F10 [F10] ايقاف التشغيل\nإيقاف تشغيل النظام. $$STRh1MW=^Ctrl+I [Ctrl+I] العودة إلى تثبيت Windows القائمة\nعودة إلى Windows القائمة # GFX menu entries $$STRmG16=ANTIVIRUS Menu\nAntiVirus utilities $$STRmG22=BACKUP Menu\nBackup utilities $$STRmG18=DOS Menu\nMS-DOS and FreeDOS utilities $$STRmG20=LINUX Menu\nLinux ISOs $$STRmG03=WINDOWS BOOT Menu\nWindows Boot menu $$STRmG26=WINPE Menu\nBootable WinPE and Windows $$STRmG24=UTILITIES Menu\nUtilities and Memtest $$STRmGWI=WINDOWS INSTALL Menu\nInstall Windows to a Hard Disk using an ISO file. $$STRmG12=MEMORY TEST Menu\nSystem Memory Test utilities $$STRmGAT=DIRECT BOOT Menu (\\_ISO\\AUTO) $$STRm0BL=BACKUP Linux Menu\nLinux Backup menu $$STRmG05=Back to Utilities Menu\nGo back to the Utilities Menu $$STRhelG=Help\nHelp on using Easy2Boot # Others $$STRm014=Switch to Grub4dos v0.4.6 (for USB 2.0 Driver)\nLoad grub4dos v0.4.6.\nThen you can install the grub4dos USB driver.\nUse the USB driver if you have a buggy BIOS. $$STRm015=Install fast Grub4dos USB 2.0 driver\nReplaces BIOS USB boot code.\nUse if booted using Plop or if BIOS has buggy USB code.\ne.g. If errors on booting from >137GB USB drive. # chkpci mnu $$STRm007=List all system PCI IDs\nDisplay all PCI IDs $$STRm008=List Mass Storage Controller PCI IDs\nDisplay disk controller PCI IDs $$STRm009=List matching XP DriverPack.ini entries\nCheck what 32-bit XP driver will be used $$STRm010=List matching Win2K DriverPack.ini entries\nCheck what 32-bit Win 2000 driver will be used $$STRm011=List matching Win2K3 DriverPack.ini entries\nCheck what 32-bit Win 2003 driver will be used $$STRm0FD=FreeDos (from a floppy image)\nBoot from a floppy image # \_ISO\UTILITIES_MEMTEST\MNU\Memtest86-51.mnu VERSION = 4.3.7 (use UEFI for latest version) $$STRmm02=Passmark Memtest86\nTest Memory\nhttp://www.memtest86.com $$STRmm03=Passmark Memtest86 (One Pass)\nTest Memory\nhttp://www.memtest86.com $$STRmm04=Passmark Memtest86 (Boot Trace enabled)\nTest Memory\nhttp://www.memtest86.com $$STRmm05=Passmark Memtest86 (Start only one CPU)\nTest Memory\nhttp://www.memtest86.com # \_ISO\UTILITIES_MEMTEST\memtest.img.txt $$STRt001=Memtest86+\nTest Memory $$STRmmbp=Measure BIOS USB Performance\nThis accesses a file directory entry multiple times.\nIt emulates how Easy2Boot looks for files during start up.\n100 Accesses should take less than 20 seconds. # ----- .hdr files ----- # GFX menu $$STRhGF7=Boot to first HDD\nBoot to the first internal Hard Disk (HDD0). $$STRhGF8=Rebuild Main Menu\nRun if E2B contents have changed.\nRebuilds Main Menu and refreshes\nthe Fastload Cache (if enabled). $$STRhGBM=Back to Main Menu\nGo back to the Main Menu $$STRhGRB=Reboot\nReboot the system. $$STRhG10=Power off\nSwitch off the system. $$STRhGMW=Back to Windows Install Menu\nReturn to Windows Menu $$STRh0MD=Set default menu entry and timeout\nYou can set the default menu item\nand timeout countdown value\nto automatically run after a timeout. $$STRh1MD=Set Default Menu Item number (0-99) : $$STRh2MD=Set Menu Timeout in Seconds (0=off) : $$STRmc64= --- 64-bit CPU (%TMEM%MB) --- $$STRmc32= --- 32-bit CPU (%TMEM%MB) --- $$STRmFS1=\x05 CACHED MENU (FASTLOAD) \x05\nUse Rebuild Main Menu to update this menu\nso that any recent changes will take affect. $$STRhMFD=Disable FASTLOAD\nThe Main Menu will not be cached. $$STRhMFE=Enable FASTLOAD\nThe Main Menu will be cached.\nAll future boots will use the cached menu\nUse Rebuild Main Menu to refresh the menu. $$STRhMFL=REFRESH THIS FASTLOAD CACHED MENU\nRun if you have changed the contents of the USB drive.\nOr rename \FASTLOAD.YES to \FASTLOAD.NO to turn off\nthe FastLoad feature. $$STRmg14=Grub4dos v0.4.5c\nLoad grub4dos v0.4.5.\nTry if problems with 0.4.6 version. # ---- menuWinInstall.lst ---- GFX menu is 2nd $$STRl0x1=^Alt+1 Install XP - Step 1 [Alt+1]\nIf using DPMS, you do not need to press F6.\nYou must reboot to Easy2Boot again and run STEP 2 afterwards. $$STRl1x1=Install XP - Step 1\nIf using DPMS, you do not need to press F6.\nYou must reboot to Easy2Boot again and run STEP 2 afterwards. $$STRl0x2=^Alt+2 Install XP - Step 2 [Alt+2] (512MB+ systems)\n2nd phase of setup (most reliable).\nThis will complete the install and reboot from the hard disk.\nIt requires at least 512MB of RAM to hold the ISO file. $$STRl1x2=Install XP - Step 2 (512MB+ systems)\n2nd phase of setup (most reliable).\nThis will complete the install and reboot from the hard disk.\nIt requires at least 512MB of RAM to hold the ISO file. $$STRl0x3=^Alt+3 Install XP - Step 2 [Alt+3] (Low RAM systems)\nFaster - use this if not enough system memory (<512MB).\nDirect ISO map for WinVBlock. Does not work on all\nsystems, e.g. some Atom CPU based systems. $$STRl1x3=Install XP - Step 2 (Low RAM systems)\nFaster - use this if not enough system memory (<512MB).\nDirect ISO map for WinVBlock. Does not work on all\nsystems, e.g. some Atom CPU based systems. $$STRl0PE=^X Install XP using WinPE [X]\nInstall Windows XP to your hard disk using WinPE.\nYou will also need a WinPE ISO or Windows Install ISO file\n(WinPE v2/3/4 or Vista Install ISO or later). $$STRl1PE=Install XP using WinPE\nInstall Windows XP to your hard disk using WinPE.\nYou will also need a WinPE ISO or Windows Install ISO file\n(WinPE v2/3/4 or Vista Install ISO or later). $$STRl0LD=^L List Disk Ctrl PCI IDs [L]\nMake a note of the PCI IDs listed and then check them against\nthe TXTSETUP.OEM entries (see Tutorial 30). $$STRl1LD=List Disk Controller PCI IDs\nMake a note of the PCI IDs listed and then check them against\nthe TXTSETUP.OEM entries (see Tutorial 30). $$STRl0IV=^V Install Vista [V] (%CV% present)\nInstall Windows Vista from an ISO file. $$STRl1IV=Install Vista\nInstall Windows Vista from an ISO file. $$STRl0I7=^7 Install Windows 7 [7] (%C7% present)\nInstall Windows 7 from an ISO file. $$STRl1I7=Install Windows 7\nInstall Windows 7 from an ISO file. $$STRl082=^R Install Server 2008 R2 [R] (%C28% present)\nInstall Server 2008 R2 from an ISO file. $$STRl182=Install Server 2008 R2\nInstall Server 2008 R2 from an ISO file. $$STRl0I8=^8 Install Windows 8 [8] (%C8% present)\nInstall Windows 8 from an ISO file $$STRl1I8=Install Windows 8\nInstall Windows 8 from an ISO file $$STRl012=^S Install Server 2012 [S] (%C12% present)\nInstall Windows 2012 from an ISO file. $$STRl112=Install Server 2012\nInstall Windows 2012 from an ISO file. $$STRl010=^T Install Windows 10 [T] (%C10% present)\nInstall Windows 10 from an ISO file. $$STRl110=Install Windows 10\nInstall Windows 10 from an ISO file. $$STRl600=^D Install Server 2016 [D] (%C16% present)\nInstall Windows Server 2016 from an ISO file. $$STR16G0=Install Server 2016\nInstall Windows Server 2016 from an ISO file. $$STRl900=^9 Install Server 2019 [9] (%C19% present)\nInstall Windows Server 2019 from an ISO file. $$STR19G0=Install Server 2019\nInstall Windows Server 2019 from an ISO file. $$STR2200=^2 Install Server 2022 [2] (%C22% present)\nInstall Windows Server 2022 from an .iso or .imgPTN file. $$STR22G0=Install Server 2022\nInstall Windows Server 2022 from an .iso or .imgPTN file. # --------- STRING IN GRUB4DOS BATCH FILES (.g4b) ----------- #XPStep1.g4b $$STRb001=XP INSTALL - STEP 1\n===================\n\n$[0104]IMPORTANT: You must boot from USB drive again and run STEP 2 after this!\n $$STRb002=64-bit XP ISO detected!\nYou will need to press F6 to load 64-bit Firadisk driver $$STRb003=ISO detected as Windows %OSTYPE% (use 'XP', '2K3' or '2K' in ISO filename if incorrect) $$STRb004=If this is incorrect, please type xp 2k or 2k3 now : $$STRb005=Will look for Windows %OSTYPE% drivers only $$STRb006=DPMS2 Options (32-bit only)\n===========================\n1=SRS Driver+FiraDisk - default=FiraDisk + OEM drivers\n2=SRS Driver+FiraDisk+WinVBlock - default=FiraDisk + OEM drivers $$STRb007=3=SRS Driver+WinVBlock+FiraDisk - default=WinVBlock + OEM drivers (>512MB only) $$STRb008=Auto-Detect SATA/AHCI/RAID 32-bit Mass Storage Drivers ([Y=2]/N/1/2/3) : $$STRb009=Auto-Detect SATA/AHCI/RAID 32-bit Mass Storage Drivers ([Y=2]/N/1/2) : $$STRb010=$[0104]PLEASE NOTE: If booting from a USB-HDD, say YES to the next question.... $$STRb011=Load XP ISO into memory (recommended) ([Y]/N) : $$STRb012=Load XP ISO into memory (press Y if booting from USB-HDD or if BSOD crash problems) (Y/[N]) : $$STRb013=PLEASE PICK AN UNATTENDED INSTALL FILE... $$STRb014=You MUST PRESS F6 when prompted,\nthen press S to select WinVBlock (32-bit) driver,\nthen press S to select FiraDisk (32-bit) driver,\nthen press S to select your AHCI driver (if present)\n $$STRb015=You MUST PRESS F6 when prompted,\nthen press S to select WinVBlock (64-bit) driver,\nthen press S to select FiraDisk (64-bit) driver,\nthen press S to select your AHCI driver (if present)\n $$STRb016=\nExamples:\nAtom Netbook = WinVBlock+ICH7R/DH\nDQ67 series 6 = FiraDisk+Desktop\\Workstation\\Server Express $$STRb017=Now press [Enter] and then press F6 when prompted by XP Setup and load the drivers... $$STRb018=Tip: If FiraDisk gives problems, reboot and try Option 3 (WinVBlock).\nIf you still have problems, use Option 2 but press F6 and add ALL the drivers listed by XP Setup.\n $$STRb019=$[0104]PLEASE NOTE: You must use one of the 'Install XP - STEP 2' options after reboot (512MB+ is safest). $$STRb020=$[0104]PLEASE NOTE: WinVBlock (Option 3) is only suitable for systems with more than 512MB of memory.\nUse only the 'Install XP - STEP 2 (512MB+ systems)' option on the next reboot.\n $$STRb021= SPACEBAR=Pause, ENTER=Start now - STARTING IN 5 SECONDS... $$STRb022=No Unattend file will be used $$STRb023=$[0104]ERROR: WINNT variable was not set correctly in %MFOLDER%/%CHOSEN%.AUTO!\nPlease use\n!BAT\nSET WINNT=12345678.SIF\n\n $$STRb024=$[0102]NOTE: XP ISO will be using %WINNT% as WINNT.SIF file $$STRb025=$[0104]DPMS option not available (DriverPack files not present)! $$STRb026=$[0104]Missing /%grub%/dpms/DRIVERPACK.INI file\nRename the DriverPack_MassStorage_wnt5_x86-32.ini file to DriverPack.ini. $$STRb027=$[0102]NOTE: XP ISO will be using %WINNT% as WINNT.SIF file $$STRb028=$[0104]WARNING: WINNT variable was not set correctly in %MFOLDER%/%ISO%.AUTO!\nPlease use\n!BAT\nSET WINNT=12345678.SIF\n\n $$STRb029=$[0102]%WINNT%.CMD will be called after install $$STRb030=$[0102]INFORMATION: Memory Size #XPStep2.g4b $$STRbx21=XP INSTALL - STEP 2\n=================== $$STRbx22=Loading %ISO% into memory - please wait... #XPStep2LowRam.g4b $$STRbLR1=XP INSTALL - STEP 2 LowRAM (only use for Low RAM Systems <512MB)\n=============================================================== $$STRbLR2=$[0104]DO NOT REMOVE THE USB DRIVE! - rebooting from hard disk... # XPWINNT.g4b $$STRT001=Select a Windows XP ISO file\n============================ $$STRT002=NOW CHOOSE A WINPE 'Helper' ISO\n===============================\nWe need to temporarily boot to WinPE in order to run WINNT32.EXE\nPlease specify a WinPE or Windows Install ISO (must be Vista or later, 32-bit) $$STRT003=Which folder is the WinPE ISO in (1-10, Esc=Abort)? : $$STRT004=NOW CHOOSE A WinPE 'Helper' ISO\n===============================\nFrom %PEPATH% $$STRT005=HARD DISK PARTITION SIZE\n========================\n\nEasy2Boot can wipe the hard disk and create a new partition\nor can format an existing partition\nor can install to an existing partition. $$STRTA05=\nPlease set a default size for now.\nYou will be asked if you want to format the hard disk later... $$STRTB05=Default Disk 0 1st partition size in MB (0=MAX, ESC=Abort) : $$STRT006=CHOOSE AN UNATTEND.TXT FILE\n===========================\nFrom %MYPATH% # RunVista.g4b $$STRbV01=Select an Unattend.XML file\n=========================== $$STRbV02=Use Easy2Boot XML file $$STRbV03=$[0104]WARNING: To install Windows from a USB Hard disk you also need an E2B HELPER USB Flash drive.\nIf you do not have one you will get a 'DVD drive device driver is missing' message.\nPlease read the Easy2Boot Tutorial for more details. $$STRbV04=Press C to continue or press [Enter] to return : $$STRbV05=$[0104]USB DRIVE HAS WINHELPER.USB file but no AutoUnattend.xml! # RunWin8.g4b $$STRb801=Select an Unattend.XML file\n===========================\nNote: Your own .XML files should contain the correct Key\n and they must run LOADISO (see example file).\n\n Option 0 allows you to choose a Product Key. $$STRb802=CHOOSE A PRODUCT KEY (uses Easy2Boot blank .xml file) $$STRb803=Select a Product Key file\n========================= $$STRb805=Enter your own key $$STRb806=$[0104]Product Keys must be in AAAAA-BBBBB-CCCCC-DDDDD-EEEEE format (29 characters) $$STRb807=Enter your 5x5 Product Key : $$STRb8rp=Press any key for Windows Repair\\Setup...\n # PickAFile.g4b $$STRbp01=Please choose (ESC=Abort)... $$STRbp02=$[0102]Using the only file present... $$STRbp03=Choose a number $$STRPKEY=Press a key to continue... #QRUN.g4b $$STRberr=$[0104]ERROR: %ISOC% IS NOT CONTIGUOUS (or is corrupt or missing)!\nPlease run RMPrepUSB - CTRL+F2 or run MAKE_THIS_DRIVE_CONTIGUOUS.cmd to defragment all files. $$STRbpt1=$[0104] WARNING: THIS E2B DRIVE'S PARTITION TABLE IS ABOUT TO BE OVERWRITTEN!\n THERE IS A SMALL RISK OF LOSING ALL FILES ON THE E2B DRIVE.\n A BACKUP OF THE MBR HAS BEEN MADE.\n $$STRbpt2=$[0104] You can restore the original E2B partitions from Windows\n using the '\\e2b\\RestoreE2B.cmd' script on the USB drive (see www.easy2boot.xyz for details).\n $$STRbpt3=\nTo boot using UEFI, reboot and select the UEFI:xxxx boot option from your UEFI boot menu.\nTo switch back to Easy2Boot, boot in non-UEFI mode (Legacy or CSM Mode)\nand select the Easy2Boot menu option. $$STRbpt4=OK to replace the E2B partitions ([Y]/N) : $$STRbsug=CHANGE FILE EXTENSION?\n======================\n\nTip: To avoid this prompt, do not use .iso as the file extension.\n Instead use .isodefault\n\n$[0x0e]Type Y quickly to use %SUGJE%\n $$STRbsuf=Use %SUGJE% file extension? (Y/[N]) : $$STRmldk=List BIOS Disks\nList the partitions detected by grub4dos and the BIOS # New $$STRwimq=Windows Install ISO detected - booting using WIMBOOT\nPress ENTER quickly if you do NOT want to use WIMBOOT... #Enable or Disable UEFI booting.mnu $$STRedp2=Disable UEFI-booting from Partition 2\nRenames the \\EFI folder to \\EFIXXX.\nOn some systems this will force the BIOS to show\na Legacy USB boot option when you reboot. $$STRedp3=Disable UEFI-booting from Partition 3\nRenames the \\EFI folder to \\EFIXXX.\nOn some systems this will force the BIOS to show\na Legacy USB boot option when you reboot. $$STReep2=Enable UEFI-booting from Partition 2\nRestores the \\EFI folder\nto enable UEFI-booting to the agFM menu. $$STReep3=Enable UEFI-booting from Partition 3\nRestores the \\EFI folder\nto enable UEFI-booting. #Disable Kasperksy mnu $$STRedsb=Disable UEFI64 Secure Boot (bugfix for blank screen)\nDisables the UEFI64 Kaspersky Secure Boot shim for agFM.\nThe Kaspersky shim can cause some PCs to UEFI-boot\nto a blank screen. $$STReesb=Enable UEFI64 Secure Boot\nEnable the UEFI64 Kaspersky Secure Boot shim for agFM.\nAllows Secure Booting.\nNote: The Kaspersky shim can cause some PCs to UEFI-boot\nto a blank screen. #agFM $$STRagfm=a1ive grub2 File Manager (agFM)\nA1ive grub2 File Manager (\\e2b\\grubfm.iso) $$STRagc1=Clover UEFI64\nLoad the Clover UEFI64 'BIOS'.\nWARNING: Updates PBR on partition 2 with Clover boot code. $$STRagc2=Clover UEFI64\nLoad the Clover UEFI64 'BIOS'.\nWARNING: Updates PBR on partition 2 with Clover boot code. $$STRagc3=Clover UEFI32\nLoad the Clover UEFI32 'BIOS'.\nWARNING: Updates PBR on partition 2 with Clover boot code. $$STRagc4=Clover UEFI32\nLoad the Clover UEFI32 'BIOS'.\nWARNING: Updates PBR on partition 2 with Clover boot code. $$STRagvt=Ventoy\nLoad 'Ventoy for Easy2Boot'.