<#third#> <#windowsapps#> <#privacytelemetry#> DisableDiagTrackService; Disable the Connected User Experiences and Telemetry (DiagTrack) service, and block connection for the Unified Telemetry Client Outbound Traffic; EnableDiagTrackService; Enable the Connected User Experiences and Telemetry (DiagTrack) service, and allow connection for the Unified Telemetry Client Outbound Traffic; MinimalDiagnosticDataLevel; Set the diagnostic data collection to minimum; DefaultDiagnosticDataLevel; Set the diagnostic data collection to default; DisableErrorReporting; Turn off Windows Error Reporting; EnableErrorReporting; Turn on Windows Error Reporting; NeverFeedbackFrequency; Change the feedback frequency to "Never"; AutomaticallyFeedbackFrequency; Change feedback frequency to "Automatically"; DisableSigninInfo; Do not use sign-in info to automatically finish setting up device after an update; EnableSigninInfo; Use sign-in info to automatically finish setting up device after an update; DisableLanguageListAccess; Do not let websites show me locally relevant content by accessing my language list; EnableLanguageListAccess; Let websites show me locally relevant content by accessing language my list; DisableAdvertisingID; Do not let apps show me personalized ads by using my advertising ID; EnableAdvertisingID; Let apps show me personalized ads by using my advertising ID; HideWindowsWelcomeExperience; Hide the Windows welcome experiences after updates and occasionally when I sign in to highlight what's new and suggested; ShowWindowsWelcomeExperience; Show the Windows welcome experiences after updates and occasionally when I sign in to highlight what's new and suggested; DisableWindowsTips; Do not get tip and suggestions when I use Windows; EnableWindowsTips; Get tip and suggestions when I use Windows; HideSettingsSuggestedContent; Hide from me suggested content in the Settings app; ShowSettingsSuggestedContent; Show me suggested content in the Settings app; DisableAppsSilentInstalling; Turn off automatic installing suggested apps; EnableAppsSilentInstalling; Turn on automatic installing suggested apps; DisableWhatsNewInWindows; Disable suggestions on how I can set up my device; EnableWhatsNewInWindows; Offer suggestions on how I can set up my device; DisableTailoredExperiences; Do not let Microsoft use your diagnostic data for personalized tips, ads, and recommendations; EnableTailoredExperiences; Let Microsoft use your diagnostic data for personalized tips, ads, and recommendations; DisableBingSearch; Disable Bing search in the Start Menu; EnableBingSearch; Enable Bing search in the Start Menu <#uiperson#> ShowThisPC; Show the "This PC" icon on Desktop; HideThisPC; Hide the "This PC" icon on Desktop; EnableWindows10FileExplorer; Enable the Windows 10 File Explorer; DisableWindows10FileExplorer; Disable the Windows 10 File Explorer; DisableCheckBoxes; Do not use item check boxes; EnableCheckBoxes; Use check item check boxes; EnableHiddenItems; Show hidden files, folders, and drives; DisableHiddenItems; Do not show hidden files, folders, and drives; ShowFileExtensions; Show file name extensions; HideFileExtensions; Hide file name extensions; ShowMergeConflicts; Show folder merge conflicts; HideMergeConflicts; Hide folder merge conflicts; ThisPCOpenFileExplorerTo; Open File Explorer to "This PC"; QuickAccessOpenFileExplorerTo; Open File Explorer to Quick access; DisableFileExplorerCompactMode; Disable the File Explorer compact mode; EnableFileExplorerCompactMode; Enable the File Explorer compact mode; HideOneDriveFileExplorerAd; Do not show sync provider notification within File Explorer; ShowOneDriveFileExplorerAd; Show sync provider notification within File Explorer; DisableSnapAssist; When I snap a window, do not show what I can snap next to it; EnableSnapAssist; When I snap a window, show what I can snap next to it; EnableSnapAssistFlyout; Hide snap layouts when I hover over a windows's maximize button; DisableSnapAssistFlyout; Hide snap layouts when I hover over a windows's maximize button; DetailedFileTransferDialog; Show the file transfer dialog box in the detailed mode; CompactFileTransferDialog; Show the file transfer dialog box in the compact mode; ExpandedWindows10FileExplorerRibbon; Expand the Windows 10 File Explorer ribbon; MinimizedWindows10FileExplorerRibbon; Minimize the Windows 10 File Explorer ribbon; EnableRecycleBinDeleteConfirmation; Display the recycle bin files delete confirmation dialog; DisableRecycleBinDeleteConfirmation; Do not display the recycle bin files delete confirmation dialog; HideQuickAccessRecentFiles; Hide frequently used folders in Quick access; ShowQuickAccessRecentFiles; Show frequently used folders in Quick access; LeftTaskbarAlignment; Set the taskbar alignment to the left; CenterTaskbarAlignment; Set the taskbar alignment to the center; HideTaskbarSearch; Hide the search icon on the taskbar; ShowTaskbarSearch; Show the search icon on the taskbar; HideTaskViewButton; Hide the Task view button on the taskbar; ShowTaskViewButton; Show the Task View button on the taskbar; HideTaskbarWidgets; Hide the widgets icon on the taskbar; ShowTaskbarWidgets; Show the widgets icon on the taskbar; HideTaskbarChat; Hide the Chat icon (Microsoft Teams) on the taskbar; ShowTaskbarChat; Show the Chat icon (Microsoft Teams) on the taskbar; DarkWindowsColorMode; Set the default Windows mode to dark; LightWindowsColorMode; Set the default Windows mode to light; DarkAppColorMode; Set the default app mode to dark; LightAppColorMode; Set the default app mode to light; DisableFirstLogonAnimation; Disable first sign-in animation after the upgrade; EnableFirstLogonAnimation; Enable first sign-in animation after the upgrade; MaxJPEGWallpapersQuality; Set the quality factor of the JPEG desktop wallpapers to maximum; DefaultJPEGWallpapersQuality; Set the quality factor of the JPEG desktop wallpapers to default; ExpandedTaskManagerWindow; Start Task Manager in the expanded mode; CompactTaskManagerWindow; Start Task Manager in the compact mode; ShowRestartNotification; Notify me when a restart is required to finish updating; HideRestartNotification; Do not notify me when a restart is required to finish updating; DisableShortcutsSuffix; Do not add the "- Shortcut" suffix to the file name of created shortcuts; EnableShortcutsSuffix; Add the "- Shortcut" suffix to the file name of created shortcuts; EnablePrtScnSnippingTool; Use the Print screen button to open screen snipping; DisablePrtScnSnippingTool; Do not use the Print screen button to open screen snipping; DisableAppsLanguageSwitch; Do not use a different input method for each app window; EnableAppsLanguageSwitch; Let me use a different input method for each app window; DisableAeroShaking; When I grab a windows's title bar and shake it, don't minimize all other windows; EnableAeroShaking; When I grab a windows's title bar and shake it, minimize all other windows <#onedrive#> UninstallOneDrive; Uninstall OneDrive; InstallOneDrive; Install OneDrive <#system#> EnableStorageSense; Turn on Storage Sense; DisableStorageSense; Turn off Storage Sense; EnableStorageSenseTempFiles; Turn on automatic cleaning up temporary system and app files; DisableStorageSenseTempFiles; Turn off automatic cleaning up temporary system and app files; MonthStorageSenseFrequency; Run Storage Sense every month; DefaultStorageSenseFrequency; Run Storage Sense during low free disk space; DisableHibernation; Disable hibernation; EnableHibernation; Enable hibernation; DisableWin32LongPathLimit; Disable the Windows 260 character path limit; EnableWin32LongPathLimit; Enable the Windows 260 character path limit; EnableBSoDStopError; Display the Stop error information on the BSoD; DisableBSoDStopError; Do not display the Stop error information on the BSoD; NeverAdminApprovalMode; Never notify when apps try to make changes to my computer; DefaultAdminApprovalMode; Notify me only when apps try to make changes to my computer; EnableMappedDrivesAppElevatedAccess; Turn on access to mapped drives from app running with elevated permissions with Admin Approval Mode enabled; DisableMappedDrivesAppElevatedAccess; Turn off access to mapped drives from app running with elevated permissions with Admin Approval Mode enabled; DisableDeliveryOptimization; Turn off Delivery Optimization; EnableDeliveryOptimization; Turn on Delivery Optimization; EnableWaitNetworkStartup; Always wait for the network at computer startup and logon for workgroup networks; DisableWaitNetworkStartup; Never wait for the network at computer startup and logon for workgroup networks; DisableWindowsManageDefaultPrinter; Do not let Windows manage my default printer; EnableWindowsManageDefaultPrinter; Let Windows manage my default printer; EnableUpdateMicrosoftProducts; Receive updates for other Microsoft products; DisableUpdateMicrosoftProducts; Do not receive updates for other Microsoft products; HighPowerPlan; Set power plan on "High performance"; BalancedPowerPlan; Set power plan on "Balanced"; EnableLatestInstalledNET; Use the latest installed .NET runtime for all apps; DisableLatestInstalledNET; Do not use the latest installed .NET runtime for all apps; DisableNetworkAdaptersSavePower; Do not allow the computer to turn off the network adapters to save power; EnableNetworkAdaptersSavePower; Allow the computer to turn off the network adapters to save power; EnglishInputMethod; Override for default input method: English; DefaultInputMethod; Override for default input method: use language list; DesktopWinPrtScrFolder; Save screenshots by pressing Win+PrtScr on the Desktop; DefaultWinPrtScrFolder; Save screenshots by pressing Win+PrtScr in the Pictures folder; AutomaticallyRecommendedTroubleshooting; Run troubleshooter automatically, then notify me; DefaultRecommendedTroubleshooting; Ask me before running troubleshooter; EnableFoldersLaunchSeparateProcess; Launch folder windows in a separate process; DisableFoldersLaunchSeparateProcess; Do not launch folder windows in a separate process; DisableReservedStorage; Disable and delete reserved storage after the next update installation; EnableReservedStorage; Enable reserved storage after the next update installation; DisableF1HelpPage; Disable help lookup via F1; EnableF1HelpPage; Enable help lookup via F1; EnableNumLock; Enable Num Lock at startup; DisableNumLock; Disable Num Lock at startup; DisableCapsLock; Disable Caps Lock; EnableCapsLock; Enable Caps Lock; DisableStickyShift; Turn off pressing the Shift key 5 times to turn Sticky keys; EnableStickyShift; Turn on pressing the Shift key 5 times to turn Sticky keys; DisableAutoplay; Don't use AutoPlay for all media and devices; EnableAutoplay; Use AutoPlay for all media and devices; DisableThumbnailCacheRemoval; Disable thumbnail cache removal; EnableThumbnailCacheRemoval; Enable thumbnail cache removal; EnableSaveRestartableApps; Automatically saving my restartable apps and restart them when I sign back in; DisableSaveRestartableApps; Turn off automatically saving my restartable apps and restart them when I sign back in; EnableNetworkDiscovery; Enable "Network Discovery" and "File and Printers Sharing" for workgroup networks; DisableNetworkDiscovery; Disable "Network Discovery" and "File and Printers Sharing" for workgroup networks; AutomaticallyActiveHours; Automatically adjust active hours for me based on daily usage; ManuallyActiveHours; Manually adjust active hours for me based on daily usage; EnableDeviceRestartAfterUpdate; Restart as soon as possible to finish updating; DisableDeviceRestartAfterUpdate; Don't restart as soon as possible to finish updating; WindowsTerminalDefaultTerminalApp; Set Windows Terminal Preview as default terminal app to host the user interface for command-line applications; ConsoleHostDefaultTerminalApp; Set Windows Console Host as default terminal app to host the user interface for command-line applications <#startmenu#> HideRecentlyAddedApps; Hide recently added apps in the Start menu; ShowRecentlyAddedApps; Show recently added apps in the Start menu; ElevatedRunPowerShellShortcut; Run the Windows PowerShell shortcut from the Start menu as Administrator; NonElevatedRunPowerShellShortcut; Run the Windows PowerShell shortcut from the Start menu as user <#uwpapps#> DisableCortanaAutostart; Disable Cortana autostarting; EnableCortanaAutostart; Enable Cortana autostarting; DisableTeamsAutostart; Disable Teams autostarting; EnableTeamsAutostart; Enable Teams autostarting <#gaming#> DisableXboxGameTips; Disable Xbox Game Bar tips; EnableXboxGameTips; Enable Xbox Game Bar tips; EnableGPUScheduling; Enable hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling; DisableGPUScheduling; Disable hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling <#defendersecurity#> EnableNetworkProtection; Enable Microsoft Defender Exploit Guard network protection; DisableNetworkProtection; Disable Microsoft Defender Exploit Guard network protection; EnablePUAppsDetection; Enable detection for potentially unwanted applications and block them; DisablePUAppsDetection; Disable detection for potentially unwanted applications and block them; EnableDefenderSandbox; Enable sandboxing for Microsoft Defender; DisableDefenderSandbox; Disable sandboxing for Microsoft Defender; EnableAuditProcess; Enable events auditing generated when a process is created (starts); DisableAuditProcess; Disable events auditing generated when a process is created (starts); EnableCommandLineProcessAudit; Include command line in process creation events; DisableCommandLineProcessAudit; Do not include command line in process creation events; EnableEventViewerCustomView; Create the "Process Creation" Event Viewer сustom view to log the executed processes and their arguments; DisableEventViewerCustomView; Remove the "Process Creation" Event Viewer custom view; EnablePowerShellModulesLogging; Enable logging for all Windows PowerShell modules; DisablePowerShellModulesLogging; Disable logging for all Windows PowerShell modules; EnablePowerShellScriptsLogging; Enable logging for all PowerShell scripts input to the Windows PowerShell event log; DisablePowerShellScriptsLogging; Disable logging for all PowerShell scripts input to the Windows PowerShell event log; DisableAppsSmartScreen; Disable apps and files checking within Microsoft Defender SmartScreen; EnableAppsSmartScreen; Enable apps and files checking within Microsoft Defender SmartScreen; DisableSaveZoneInformation; Microsoft Defender SmartScreen doesn't marks downloaded files from the Internet as unsafe; EnableSaveZoneInformation; Microsoft Defender SmartScreen marks downloaded files from the Internet as unsafe; DisableWindowsScriptHost; Disable Windows Script Host; EnableWindowsScriptHost; Enable Windows Script Host; DisableWindowsSandbox; Disable Windows Sandbox; EnableWindowsSandbox; Enable Windows Sandbox <#contextmenu#> ShowMSIExtractContext; Show the "Extract all" item in the Windows Installer (.msi) context menu; HideMSIExtractContext; Hide the "Extract all" item from the Windows Installer (.msi) context menu; ShowCABInstallContext; Show the "Install" item in the Cabinet (.cab) filenames extensions context menu; HideCABInstallContext; Hide the "Install" item from the Cabinet (.cab) filenames extensions context menu; ShowRunAsDifferentUserContext; Show the "Run as different user" item in the .exe filename extensions context menu; HideRunAsDifferentUserContext; Hide the "Run as different user" item from the .exe filename extensions context menu; HideCastToDeviceContext; Hide the "Cast to Device" item from the media files and folders context menu; ShowCastToDeviceContext; Show the "Cast to Device" item in the media files and folders context menu; HideShareContext; Hide the "Share" item from the context menu; ShowShareContext; Show the "Share" item in the context menu; HideEditWithClipchampContext; Hide the "Edit with Clipchamp" item from the media files context menu; ShowEditWithClipchampContext; Show the "Edit with Clipchamp" item in the media files context menu; HideCreateANewVideoContext; Hide the "Create a new video" item from the media files context menu; ShowCreateANewVideoContext; Show the "Create a new video" item in the media files context menu; HidePrintCMDContext; Hide the "Print" item from the .bat and .cmd context menu; ShowPrintCMDContext; Show the "Print" item in the .bat and .cmd context menu; HideIncludeInLibraryContext; Hide the "Include in Library" item from the folders and drives context menu; ShowIncludeInLibraryContext; Show the "Include in Library" item in the folders and drives context menu; HideSendToContext; Hide the "Send to" item from the folders context menu; ShowSendToContext; Show the "Send to" item in the folders context menu; HideBitLockerContext; Hide the "Turn on BitLocker" item from the drives context menu; ShowBitLockerContext; Show the "Turn on BitLocker" item in the drives context menu; HideCompressedFolderNewContext; Hide the "Compressed (zipped) Folder" item from the "New" context menu; ShowCompressedFolderNewContext; Show the "Compressed (zipped) Folder" item to the "New" context menu; EnableMultipleInvokeContext; Enable the "Open", "Print", and "Edit" items if more than 15 files selected; DisableMultipleInvokeContext; Disable the "Open", "Print", and "Edit" items if more than 15 files selected HideUseStoreOpenWith; ShowUseStoreOpenWith; Show the "Look for an app in the Microsoft Store" item in the "Open with" dialog; HideOpenWindowsTerminalContext; Hide the "Open in Windows Terminal" menu option in the folders context menu; ShowOpenWindowsTerminalContext; Show the "Open in Windows Terminal" menu option in the folders context menu; EnableOpenWindowsTerminalAdminContext; Open Windows Terminal in context menu as administrator by default; DisableOpenWindowsTerminalAdminContext; Do not open Windows Terminal in context menu as administrator by default; DisableWindows10ContextMenu; Disable the Windows 10 context menu style; EnableWindows10ContextMenu; Enable the Windows 10 context menu style <#other#> LargeTaskbarSize; Make the taskbar size large; DefaultTaskbarSize; Make the taskbar size default; SmallTaskbarSize; Make the taskbar size small; AlwaysCombineHideLabelsTaskbar; Taskbar Always combine, hide labels; CombineWhenFullTaskbar; Taskbar Combine when taskbar is full; NeverCombineTaskbar; Taskbar Never combine; CategoryControlPanelView; View the Control Panel icons by category; LargeIconsControlPanelView; View the Control Panel icons by large icons; SmallIconsControlPanelView; View the Control Panel icons by small icons; DefaultStartLayout; Show default Start layout; ShowMorePinsStartLayout; Show more pins on Start; ShowMoreRecommendationsStartLayout; Show more recommendations on Start <#end#>