soptionsmenu;Options; sopenmenuitem;Open; sdebloatpresetmenuitem;Debloat Preset; swindowsdefaultpresetmenuitem;Windows Default Preset; soppositemenuitem;Opposite; sclearallmenuitem;Clear All; smodemenu;Mode; snormalmenuitem;Normal; seditmenuitem;Edit; slanguagemenu;Language; saboutmenu;About; sezdebloatertab;EZ Debloater; sezdebloaterdef;EZ Debloater : Click the button you want perform. The script will show up on the right for you to run by pressing 'Run Script'.; sessentialtweaksbtn;Essential Tweaks; stessentialtweaksbtn;Essential Tweaks only if you are unsure; sundoessentialtweaksbtn;UNDO Essential Tweaks; stundoessentialtweaksbtn;UNDO ALL Essential Tweaks; sdisablecortanabtn;Disable Cortana (Search); senablecortanabtn;Enable Cortana (Search); suninstallonedrivebtn;Uninstall OneDrive; sreinstallonedrivebtn;Reinstall OneDrive; swindowsupdatedefaultsettingsbtn;Windows Update Default Settings; swindowssecurityupdatesonlybtn;Windows Security Updates Only; stwindowssecurityupdatesonlybtn;Delays Features updates up to 3 years, Delays Security updates 4 days, Sets Maximum Active Time; senablelocationbtn;Enable Location; senablehibernationbtn;Enable Hibernation; sdisableactioncenterbtn;Disable Action Center; senableactioncenterbtn;Enable Action Center; sdisablebackgroundappsbtn;Disable Background Apps; srestorebackgroundappsbtn;Restore Background Apps; svisualfxforperformancebtn;Visual FX for Performance; syourphonefixbtn;Your Phone Fix; shidetrayiconsbtn;Hide Tray Icons; senableclipboardhistorybtn;Enable Clipboard History; sstopedgepdftakeoverbtn;Stop Edge PDF Takeover; senableedgepdftakeoverbtn;Enable Edge PDF Takeover; sdarkmodebtn;Dark Mode; slightmodebtn;Light Mode; sscriptscrollbarsdef;Script: (Use scroll bars to view entire script); sreadezdbtn;Read; seditezdbtn;Edit; srunscriptbtn;Run Script; soutputezdef;Output:; sclearezdbtn;Clear; sthirdpartytab;3rd Party; swindowsapptab;Windows Apps; sprivacytelemetrytab;Privacy + Telemetry; suipersonalizationtab;UI + Personalization; sonedrivetab;OneDrive; ssystemtab;System; sstartmenutab;Start menu; suwpappstab;UWP Apps; sgamingtab;Gaming; sdefendersecuritytab;Defender + Security; scontextmenutab;Context menu; sothertab;Other; soutputtab;Output; soutputpowershellbtn;Output PowerShell; ssavebtn;Save; ssaveasbtn;Save As; soutputradiobuttonsbtn;Output Radiobuttons; ssaverbbtn;Save; ssaveasrbbtn;Save As; srunpowershellbtn;Run PowerShell; swelcomemessage;Welcome to Windows 11 Debloater by FTT! Use 'EZ Debloater' for fast debloating or select your own options with the tab pages.; soutputmessage;Click 'Output PowerShell' to create a script then click 'Run PowerShell' to run it.; sothermessage;Hover your mouse cursor over the radiobuttons to see full name and ToolTip. Click the square buttons to Read/Edit the option. 'Gray' option means nothing selected.; srbtnselectionfileloadmessage; radiobutton selection file loaded!; srbtnselectionfileloadnotcompmessage; radiobutton file is not compatible!; srbtnselectionfilenotfoundmessage; file does not exist!; srbtnoutputmessage;Radiobuttons choices outputted for use to save as a preset file!; srbtnfilecreatemessage; radiobutton preset file created!; srbtnsavedchangesmessage;Changes saved to radiobutton preset file: ; spowershelloutputmessage;PowerShell Script created from your radiobutton selections! You can run it or save it.; spowershellfilecreatemessage; PowerShell script created!; spowershellsavedchangesmessage;Changes saved to PowerShell script file: ; soppositemessage;Opposite radiobuttons selected!; sclearmessage;Radiobuttons selections all cleared!; sdebloatpreset;Debloat preset radiobutton selection file loaded! Use this selection to remove most bloatware.; sdefaultpreset;Default radiobutton selection file loaded! Use this selection to restore factory settings.; sezdbtnpressedlongwaitmessage;: PowerShell script outputted and is in read-only mode. Click 'Edit' button to modify. WARNING! Running this script will take some time so please wait for run to finish!; sezdbtnpressedmessage;: PowerShell script outputted and is in read-only mode. Click 'Edit' button to modify.; sezdreadmodemessage;Read Mode: Can not change/modify.; sezdeditmodemessage;Edit Mode: Please be careful.; srereadedittitle;Read/Edit: ; srechangessavedmessage;Changes saved to: ; srefilenotexist; file does not exist! Can not continue to read or edit.; sfiledoesnotexistmessage; file does not exist!; srequiredfilesarenotfoundmessage;Required files are not found so program can not run.; ssummaryofscriptmessage;SUMMARY OF WHAT SCRIPT DOES (Change 'Mode' to 'Edit' to modify script before running); serroruitxtmessage;Error in ui.txt : ; serrorscriptmessage;Error in script : ; semptytbmessage;Text output window is empty or is not a PowerShell script! Click 'Output PowerShell' button to create script with your radiobutton choices.; scannotreadeditleavealonemessage; can not be Read/Edit this way. Please open and edit the 'functions.txt' manually. LeaveAlone option is just an empty placeholder.; sadvancedadvanceddebloatertabtitle;Advanced Debloater; sadvancedadvanceddebloatermessage;Advanced Debloater: Choose from predefined selections Desktop, Laptop, Minimal and Virtual Machine; sadvanceddesktoppresetbtn;Desktop; sadvancedlaptoppresetbtn;Laptop; sadvancedminimalpresetbtn;Minimal; sadvancedvmpresetbtn;Virtual Machine; sadvancedseescriptbtn;See Script; sadvancedundoallmessage;Click 'Undo All' to undo everything. There will be a message popup to confirm.; sadvancedundoallbtn;Undo All; sadvancedrunscriptmessage;Click 'Run Script' to run selections. There will be a message popup to confirm.; sadvancedrunscriptbtn;Run Script; sadvancedstatusbarmessage;Use Advanced Debloater for basic fine-tuning debloating for your device.; sadvancedrunoutputtitle;Run Output; sadvancedundoallmessageboxmessage;Undoing all changes. THIS WILL TAKE A LONG TIME! Please wait for for run to finish. It will show the results in 'Run Output' textbox window.; sadvancedundoallmessageboxcaption;Advanced Debloater: Undo All; sadvancedrunscriptmessageboxmessage;PLEASE WAIT FOR RUN TO FINISH. When run is finished it will show the results in 'Run Output' textbox window.; sadvancedrunscriptmessageboxcaption;Advanced Debloater: User Selections; sadvancedchosenothingmessage;You did not select any preset or checkboxes; sadvancedclosebtn;Close